Monday, February 6, 2012

Ahh, sweet relief, how I've longed for the!

So, yeah, that whole thing about me being depressed as fuck over my ex. Totally gone! I'm over her, and I'm feeling pretty damned good! Woooo!

Awesome, right? Totally awesome. Anyway, not a whole lot has been happening with me lately. The long break in posting is due to that whole ex thing, but since early this week, I've gotten completely over it. So now I'm all good again. Ready to start anew and getting back to just being me. I fucking love it!

As I said, not a whole lot has been happening, I've pretty much just cleaned up my apartment a bit and moved some crap out of here. Which is really nice, since my apartment isn't that big. It feels a bit more spacious now. Hmm, right now, in this writing moment, I'm really in a situation where I don't know what to write, so you'll have to bare with me here.

Oh, if there's anything I have done it's watching a lot of movies, mostly comedies for some reason. I've been watching movies that I've heard good things about but never got around to actually see. Until now that is. Other than that, I've gone ahead and bought a fourth copy of one of my favorite games; Resident Evil 4. Although, this time it's on the Xbox 360, and in HD, and I hadn't played it in a while, so I thought: What the hell. Oh and there's also achievements, woo! So I guess I've been playing that as well.

Also, yesterday (Saturday) I met a very nice lady, who I got along really well with. She came over, we watched Paranormal Activity 3 and played some Left 4 Dead 2. After that, we pretty much just talked about random crap for about two hours, so that was awesome. And I'm meeting her again tomorrow, which is also.. You guessed it. Awesome!

Anyway, this post is pointless, but I felt like writing, so there you go.

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