Thursday, September 24, 2009

The hunt is on!

The hunt for achievements that is. I've been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum since I got it last sunday and I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised of how good it actually is. It's great from start to finish, great gameplay mechanics, stealth, combat, characters, sound, graphics, art design, presentation, and above all, the setting. Pretty much everything is great about it. Sure it's not perfect, very few games are, but god damn it's good. With all that said, it's obvious to me that this is a game that I'll be getting 1000/1000 from, so since I completed it a few days ago I've been going after the Riddler challenges, all of which are now found. Now it's pretty much only the challenge modes that need to be completed and I still have to find that last Spirit of Arkham Chronicle, but I know where it is, it's just a matter of going there and scanning it. Another achievement I have left in the actual story mode of the game is Party Pooper, which I regret not getting on my first playthrough, because this means that I'll have to replay the entire game to get to that part again. Which is kind of annyoing knowing that I could have gotten it the first time through. But then again, the first time through a game is for enjoyment only, and then you start to worry about achievements. Or at least that's how I see it.

Doing all this, I've sort of ruined my sleeping pattern, since I've been staying up until 6-8 AM playing the game, trying to get all Riddler challenges. It's not too bad of a problem but you know, yadda yadda yadda and I'm really tired today. And it's been like that for the past couple of days, which has put a stop to my plans to go to the unemployment center. Which I really don't mind, because they don't really help you in any significant way, but I still have to go there sometime soon.

Something I neglected to mention in my last entry was that I'm going with my girlfriend to see Depeche Mode in Malmö in january next year. That will be my second time seeing them, but I absolutely don't mind seeing them again, they were great when I saw them in Copenhagen this summer. And the show in 2010 is part of the same tour, so I expect it to be as great as that was. Speaking of musical events, last monday the tickets for Rammstein were released, so I got up bright and early to get a hold of two tickets for me and my girlfriend. Which I did, eventually, but the site was so full that I didn't get any tickets until 15 minutes after release, and I sat there a good while before the release, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's sould out by now. In either case, that show will also be in Malmö 2010, but in february, but it's going to be awesome! at least I'm fairly certain of it, I mean it's Rammstein, damnit! Not a single live performance I've seen with them (on dvd or whatever) has led me to believe otherwise.

Also, fall is upon us. The leaves are turning a nice yellow / orange color and are starting to fall off their trees. It's getting pretty windy too, so you can feel that crisp winter air that's coming soon. I don't really mind either fall nor winter, I just wish we'd get more snow during the winter, but what can you do?

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