Thursday, December 29, 2011
Post traumatic death syndrome.
Anyway, nothing is new really, I just felt like writing. Well I guess something is new, but nothing directly related to me. I've just gotten myself some new crap that I'm very happy to own.
So, last Sunday I ordered myself a new laptop and subsequently, on Monday, I went to Malmö to pick it up. While being in the stressful city of Malmö I took a detour into a record store looking for some vinyls. Of course they didn't have anything I was initially looking for, and whenever I found a label of something I wanted, guess what? Sold out! It's not all bad though, because I did find some gems in there, four of them even. I was there with my dad and while I was browsing around their big room of vinyls, my dad yells out "Nine Inch Nails!". Which of course got my attention. It turns out that they had just gotten a copy of The Downward Spiral in, and it seems to be an original 1994 print as well. I'm not sure, but it looks like it could be. On top of that it is in absolute pristine shape too, the cover has no markings or signs of wear and tear anywhere, nor does the actual records. So I grabbed that and I also found a copy of Depeche Mode - Some Great Reward, Depeche Mode - Black Celebration (which I'm listening to right now, Stripped, baby!) and Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells. All those for the price of 414 SEK isn't too bad in my humble opinion. I'm really happy with that purchase.
Oh, and on Sunday I'm meeting someone (yes, a lady) I've been talking to on Skype for quite a while. It seems like it could be a lot of fun, since we share a lot of common interests and get a long really well on Skype. So in theory, it seems only logical that it would work out in real life as well. In any case, I'm looking forward to it.
Lastly, this year there will be a list of my favorite games of 2011, unlike last year when I said there would but there wasn't. I just need to finish up some games I'm currently playing so I know what the hell I will be writing about.
Other than that, everything is still pretty much the same. I still miss my ex girlfriend and her adorable kids. I miss them all a lot.
So that's it for this time, I tip my hat to the.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Love - a fucking paradox.
Love can be the most wonderful thing in the world, and it can be one of the most painful.
Such is the life of this shell of a man I call myself right now. As my previous posts has stated, my now ex girlfriend has broken up with me. It has been almost a month since she did, and I am still devastated. I can't sleep, I can't eat and I can't really think of anything else but her. To clarify, this is a woman that I love in the truest sense if the word. I mean LOVE. I absolutely and unequivocally love her. There is literally nothing I wouldn't do to be with her again.
What makes all this so hard for me (except for the fact that she broke up with me) is that I simply don't understand any of it. She literally told me that she loved me the day before she broke up with me. Didn't that mean anything to her? Were they just empty words? How can things change over the course of one night? Adding further to this is that she just doesn't seem to care, not the slightest. Sure, I'm no angel and I said things that probably shouldn't have been said. Still, I'm finding it hard to understand why she now outright refuses to talk with me. No answer when I call, text or e-mail her. Nothing. It's like she simply doesn't care at all about me.
During the last few days, her updates on Facebook suggested with high probability that she has already met someone else. Upon asking her about it in a friendy but direct manner, I simply got threatened instead of getting an answer. I'm definitely no Mr. Perfect but I sure as hell deserve an answer. I haven't really done anything that warrants me being treated like this. All I've ever done is loving her.
If it's true that she has met someone, I can't help but wonder if I ever meant anything at all to her. Because if you say you love someone, how the hell can you forget that person and move on in less than three weeks? Especially when you say that you don't want to be in a relationship right now, and that you need time to yourself. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Unless ofcourse those words meant nothing to her. It also makes me wonder if its someone she met while we were together and straight up lied about it and cheated on me. I seriously doubt that's the case, but at least it would make sense.
Furthermore, it's like she's a completely different person now, like I don't know her at all. Did I ever know her? Was it all an act? Is the person she is now the real her? Or is what I'm seeing now the act?
I'm going out of my mind trying to handle all of it. But the sad fact is that she now doesn't want anything to do with me at all, and I will probably never get the answers I so desperately want. She's ignoring me even though she said she really wanted to be really good friends.
I just can't see a friendship based on lies and secrecy working.
I can really only hope that all of this is just thoughts and speculation. In all honesty, I have a hard time imagining that she would do these things. Stranger things have happened though, and as I said I'll probably never find out.
I just hope that she'll talk to me again some day and maybe then we can sort this whole mess out.
Until then though, I am devastated.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Ok, so.. Gibberish and shock.
I've never felt the way I do for her before, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that she'll get better and maybe want to try again. Because if she does love me the way she says she does, I can't really see any reason for us not being together.
Although it would probably be stupid to hope for anything along those lines. I guess I'm not destined to be loved. I just give and give and give, but always seem to get thrown away.
"Love youuuuuu!" :).
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
You know...
Well I'm off to bed to cry myself to sleep now... Laters.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Waves of nothingness, and then some!
So what else is new, you ask? Well, you probably aren't asking, but you know what? I'm going to tell you anyway! The short answer would be; Not a whole lot. Life just keeps on rolling along as it always has, which is a good thing, because I'm enjoying the hell out of it right now. So from that I guess you could deduce that I am still in a general happy mood, still very much in love and just loving the shit out of everything right now. Well, except for a few things, but who the hell cares, right?
Also, it is November and anyone remotely interested in video games knows what that means. We're all broke-ass-broke, because all the big games decide to come out this month. Or maybe it's just me that's stupi enough to buy them all? Hmm, quite the conundrum... Anyway, I've been playing a whole hell of a lot of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim since this Monday, and put about 60 hours into it so far. And I'm showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Some might think that makes me a crazy person, but I assure you, I am not! (You'll see! You'll all see!) No, the reason I've been playing so much of it is simply because it is god damned really fucking great game. It's as simple as that. I'm playing as a Dark Elf who is currently at level 29 and is primarily a mage/rogue type thing. I use a lot of spells, a lot of one handed weapons and a lot of bows, so I'm whatever that makes me. Also, to give you a sense of how insanely huge this game is, I've barely touched the main quests, even though I've spent 60 hours in the game doing subquests and miscellaneous quests (kind of sub-subquests). How's that for a metric shit-ton of content?
And right after I'm done with that (if ever) I've also gotten myself Assassin's Creed: Revelations, which I haven't even touched yet. Although I've heard mostly good things, there has been some negativity directed towards it. Mainly about it not being as revealing as the title suggests and that it kind of feels like we've had enough of Ezio. I'm still looking forward to playing it though, so here's hoping.
Oh, and I've also started listening to vinyl records, something I regret I haven't done before. Because the quality of those records, god damnit and jesus christ! It is so much better than both CD's and mp3's. So now I've got a player right next to my monitor and I've bought a couple of vinyls of my own. Though I've only gotten 2 of the 4 vinyls I've ordered.
And lastly but definitely not leastly. My first official christmas decoration is up!
Peace out, bitches!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Happy, happy, happy!
My special ladyfriend also has two kids, both of which I get along very well with. I like them, and they really seem to like me too. That said, it's kind of hard adjusting to the role of "part time dad". It's not like I don't enjoy it, because I really do. It's mostly because there are so many things you aren't used to consider when you don't have any kids of your own. And then there's the whole 'getting up insanely early in the mornings'-thing too, but still, I really enjoy it. Truth be told, it's hard not to be happy around them. It's all really worth it.

Recently I've bought a bunch of new stuff for my apartment. Including a big-ass couch that also functions as a realy comfortable bed. While that might sound like a bad idea, it's actually much bigger and much more comfortable than my old bed. On top that, it makes my apartment look so much better than what it used to, since I've been able to get rid of both my old bed and my old couch. Other than the new couch, I also bought a canvas painting, a new super-comfortable chair and a new lamp. I've also gotten rid of my old game-related posters and replaced them with more artsy stuff. Oh, and I've put up some shelves as well. All in all, I freaking love my apartment! Now if I only had the money to buy a bigger TV and a proper surround sound system... Oh well, all in due time I guess.

In this writing moment, I'm sitting next to my girlfriend in her new apartment, watching The Matrix Reloaded, which kind of sucks. But anything's good in her company, so I'm happy anyway. I always am when I'm with her. We've only just sat down after having moved hers kids' bed into her new place, which turned out to be much more complicated than we had thought. Things always are, aren't they?
And with that, I'll leave you to whatever you were doing before you took a gander at the concoction that is my life. Peace out, y'all!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Why does nothing ever work out for me?
I was happy all day, and now I'm just down again, because as usual I've gone ahead and thought too much of too little. Or maybe I'm just doing the same right now?
I'm sure you have no idea what I'm rambling about, so let me fill you in. Since I became a single man I've been aching to get back what I once had. Maybe not from the person that at one point gave it to me, but from someone. I basically want to feel loved again, to feel like I matter, to feel special to someone. This, to me at least, has been an almost impossible task. I don't know if it's because I'm too ugly, too boring or too pathetic. Maybe all of it? As you may or may not know, I have my fair share of problems too, as I have a hard time doing much of anything that requires me to go outside my apartment. Sure, it's better than what it once was, but it's still there, kicking my currently depressed butt.
The thing is, people that I talk to online do not know this about me. So why the hell is it that I'm so god damned uninteresting? It pretty much has to be one of the above mentioned reasons. Add to that a fair amount of sensitivity and uncertainty, and I'm sure what we end up with is what most people would see as a pathetic guy. That has to be the reason, I can't see it being anything but. Or is it just that people of today's society have unreasonably high standards for people they meet?
The few people that I have met have all been very nice people, especially one of them. But there's always something in the way. I won't go in to details since some of the people I'm talking about may actually read this, but rest assured, there is always, always, always something in the way. Something that prevents things from going any further with anyone. And I'm getting pretty god damned sick of it.
Why is it that I only attract people that I could never build something with?
Am I too much of a nice guy? Am I too emotional? Am I too dumb? Too sensitive? What is it that's so wrong with those things? What is so wrong with wanting to feel special?
Why does nothing ever work out for me?
Saturday, April 2, 2011

After they had completed their brütal gig, the next band, Perception of Darkness, went on stage. I guess they referred to their own style as "Industrial Gothic". Which, judging from their look and sound, sounds pretty accurate. Not really my cup of tea, but they did put on a good show, and I do love me some music, regardless of my own personal taste. At one part of their gig, the lead singer proposed to his girlfriend, live, on stage. I don't know if that was part of the show or if it was an actual proposal. But if it's the latter, kudos and congratulations, man! He also had some awesome charisma, and really got the crowd (which unfortunately consisted of about 10-15 people for both bands) going.

In either case, both bands put on great performances, even if it's hard to be at your best when the crowd is so miniscule.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Also, in this writing moment, I have a spongecake waiting for me in the oven. I've been doing a surprising amount of baking this past week, all in the name of saving money. But I'm also enjoying it quite a bit, so it's all good!
Once it's out of the oven I'll be enjoying it, some coffee, IRC and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.
Laters, people.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
So that was my first attempt at the recipe the wonderful Patsy gave me. And it turned out great! I've since made another batch of it and I'm going to continue to do so for a good while. It's much cheaper than buying bread at the grocery shop, and it definitely tastes better too. Also, it's so god damned easy to make! I don't know why I haven't been doing this until now.
Anyway, BREAD!
Happiness, satisfaction and general awesomeness.
Anyway, I am feeling a whole crapload of better since the last time we spoke. No more sadness, no more pain, no more anger. No more of any of those sad, unhappy feelings.
Since last I wrote anything here, I've both met and 'met' a whole bunch of new people, all of them very nice and generally likable people. Which is a great thing because during my period of self-hatred and general "I don't want to fucking live anymore, what's the point in anything?!"-ness, I thought that I would never ever be able to meet new people. Nor that they would actually like spending time with or talking to me. Anyway, since I began meeting new people, both for realz and on the interwebs, I've been feeling a whole hell of a lot better about myself and what the future may hold for me. So.. Yay! And so on...
Anywho, one of these friendly people share my love of video games, which is great, because you don't come across people you actually like that often. And even less, people that also happen to share one of your biggest interests. So me and her have been talking for a while, played a few sessions of Resident Evil 5 online and such. All good fun! And for some reason or another, we came to the subject of the Silent Hill games, which I said I've never played. Then she tells me that she has an unopened, extra copy of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for the PS2. She offers to send me this copy, which I first thought was a joke, but nope. That lovely person actually did send me an unopened copy of said game for absolutely nothing at all... Needless to say, I'm very happy because of this. Not only because I got a game I wanted to play for free (yay!) but also because it assures me that there is hope for humanity. There actually are genuinely nice people out there, which is just awesome. So a shitload of thankyous to you, Jessica! *snuggles*.
Yeah, that's it... A rather pointless entry in this blog of nonsensical whimsy. But I wanted to write something, so I did. LOGIC!
Also, I'm baking bread.
Peace out!
Friday, February 18, 2011
I hope that she does one day, and maybe then I could at least get some god damned emotion out of her. I'm not saying I want her back, I'm just fucking pissed off at her behavior towards me the last couple of weeks. Now this comes along and I really don't know what to think. Was it all a lie? Did she ever love me at all? Does she even know what love is?
What I felt for her was real, deep love on the level of "I would fucking give my own life to be with you". And I really would, I would have given up everything for her. She on the other hand... Probably not.
So anyway, right now, I just want to meet her, trade our stuff and talk to her about what's happened. But according to her, not enough time has passed for that. Really? Fucking REALLY?! Not enough time has passed for you to just meet the person you've claimed to be in love with for two and a half years, but enough time has passed for you to fall in love and be in a relationship with someone else? Does that make sense to anyone? Because it sure as hell doesn't to me.
I hope you're happy now, Angelica. I really do. Just understand or at least try to understand what you've done to me, and how you've completely and utterly broken me down. I loved you deeply and truly, with all of my being. And I would have given up my whole life just to be with you, even life itself. I just hope that you realise what it is you've thrown away.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Rough times.
I've been acting like an idiot with her lately. I've terrorised her with text-messages, called her obsessively and so on. I know this probably isn't the way to get someone back, or at least making them want to talk to me at all. But as I said, I'm panicing, the realisation that I probably won't ever get her back is just too hard to handle for me. I had such dreams, such hopes, such strong feelings for us. I really thought that she was the one, and I still believe she is to some degree. I also fear that she may have already found someone else, which just adds more problems to it all. With that said, I'm done terrorising her. As I said, I've realised that she doesn't love me anymore, and there isn't anything I can do about it, and sending her texts and calling her like a maniac certainly doesn't help.
It just feels so... Unfair, for lack of a better word. She had her fair share of psychological problems that I feel I helped her with during our 2,5 years together, but just when I'm starting to deal with my own problems, she just leaves me, right when I needed her the most.
She said we're too different, but we're really not. The only thing that was stopping me from doing things with her (long trips, walking around in the city, taking the train to her and so on) was my own psychological problems. So we're really not different at all, since I wanted to do those things with her, but my mind stopped me. We share the same taste in music, we both love video games, playing games and just cuddling up together in the couch while watching a movie or something. Hell, now I would even love to go into town to a pub or something with her and her friends. I wanted to back then as well, but my psyche wasn't there. We're really not different at all. I just wish I would get the chance to show her that I actually have changed since then, I'm doing things that I could never see myself do during the time we were together. And I just wish she could be a part of that.
There are so many things I miss, and know that I may never get to do again. Like being at her place, getting a text message as she's on her way home from work, telling me to go outside and wait for her and bring something to drink out for her. Just sitting in front of her apartment in the summer, enjoying a cigarette and talking about random stuff. Being at her place during the summer, seeing her friends and so on. Waking up in the morning, having her beside me, snoring. Seeing her beautiful face as she's waking up. Just laying in bed, cuddling. Feeling her hands on my body or just holding her hand as we were going shopping. Hugging her, kissing her, feeling her skin against mine. I miss so many things so much.
I don't know what hurts the most, the fact that she doesn't love me anymore or the fact that it was all my fault. I didn't understand how important some things were to her, and while I did listen to her when she spoke of it, I just didn't get it. I guess I felt too safe in our relationship. I hate myself deeply for this, since it in turn destroyed the best thing that ever happened to me. I regret that I never got to meet her best friend, I know how important that was to her, and yet I still couldn't do it (it was because it was a long trip to get to her and my psyche couldn't handle that at the time). It's not that I have anything against her (the friend) or anything. I just wish that I would get another chance, since I actually have changed since then, and now I would have happily taken that trip tenfold. Because I truly have changed, and today I wouldn't have the slightest problem with it. As I said, I hate myself for all of this, for taking her for granted, for feeling too safe. And it is so unbelievably hard to handle the fact that it is all my own fault, and I'll never get to show her how much I've changed.
Right now, I'm struggling with just getting her to talk to me at all. But I understand why she doesn't want to right now, I've probably smothered her, what with the maniacal calling and text messaging.
All of these feelings have more or less resulted in me crying every day for about two weeks now. It is so incredibly painful to have the one you love not even want to talk to you. But then again, as I said, I have myself to blame. I guess the only thing that keeps me going is that the future is uncertain, who knows, maybe we'll end up together at some point in the future after all.
If I could do it all again, I never would have taken her for granted. If I had been given another chance, I would have acted very differently.
If my ex reads this, know that I am truly sorry for not doing the things you wanted us to do. I'm truly sorry for all the hardships I've put you through. I'm truly sorry for taking you for granted. I'm truly sorry for everything. I'm so incredibly sorry.
I can still feel you, even so far away...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A little late, but its coming.
Right now I'm just going to go through and play some of the games that came out last year to refresh my memory of some of them. After that I'll deliberate with myself on which games will make it.
A heads up though, it won't be a typical top 10 games of the year, but rather a "these are the 10 best games that I played during 2010"-thing. So there might be some odd choices in there, due to me not having played some of the games regarded as GotY material.