Sunday, November 11, 2012

I tried and I failed.

So, this last Tuesday I decided to take the night train up to Gävle to see if me and my ex could work things through. We had talked online for a good many hours about it and decided to try it once more. So the week started out great, it was so good to see her again and I thought things could work out between us this time. She was happy, I was happy. The last two days though, not so much.. She basically said that she wanted me to go home and didn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore. I personally can't figure out what happened, but something must have, because people just don't up and change how they feel over night. So now I'm sitting here in Gävle, in her room, in complete silence... And I hate it. I feel like shit and I'm supposed to sit on a train home tomorrow. I feel like I'm going to throw up constantly. Like a huge boulder is in my stomach, dying to get out.

Anyway, I really thought it would work out this time, and I've changed for her.. But apparantly things "don't feel like they used to". She says there's nothing I can do about it and she doesn't want to be with me. Which isn't at all what I wanted. I really love her! Otherwise I wouldn't have taken a 10 hour train ride (I hate riding trains!) to see her. Before, I couldn't even do something simple as riding the bus with her (I hate riding buses as well). But this time, I went with her to her school, just to show her that I've changed.. That I'm willing to do things I wouldn't do before. I'd do anything for her, I really would.. But.. It's not like you can force someone to love you. But hey, at least I tried.


Your ex. said...

Yeah.. you tried and failed BUT you forgot to add that you also got your revenge.
What kind of person are you to have sex with someone only a few HOURS after we decided that you should come to my place The hell? Who does that? Is it really that random that I couldn't stand to even look at you after you had sex with someone as "revenge" for something that happened when we weren't togehter?

Yeah... You'd do anything for me, even have sex with a person and then fall for a girl on the train home after I broke up with you. Good job. Really good job, you work really fast. Shows how much someone actually means to you.

Oh and I forgot.. you also deleted me from skype, msn and facebook even though you've said through our whole relationship that you want to keep your contact with your ex's. Good lie.
No surprise I'm mad? I hate you for what you've done to me.

Jens said...

Om det nu var det som var hela grejen, varför i helskotta sade du då att det var ok? Du ville ju ändå att jag skulle komma upp. Om det var en så big deal för dig så kunde du ju likagärna bett mig stanna hemma. Vad har jag gjort dig? Jag sade precis varför jag tog bort dig från skype, msn och facebook. Att du sen misstolkar det är inte mitt fel.

Peter said...

This is pure gold! You actually fucked someone else after deciding that you were gonna try to work it through with your ex??

And well, I for one would have a hard time even comprehending that a guy could be that shitty and require it to sink in, maybe even telling myself that I have to give it a go to be a good person.

And well, things doesn't change over night but appearantly things change over a few hours. Le gasp. Thank goodness I read this so I won't message you on accident. ^^