I'm broke... I'm broke-ass broke. I have no money to spend on anything other than surviving and paying bills. To solve that problem, I'm trying to sell 2 tickets to a Depeche Mode concert. If I'm successful in that endeavor, I will have some money for a game, which is great. Here is where the conundrum comes into play; I don't know which game to get, and I can't get both, making this potentially new found money more problematic than I'd like it to be.

The games duking it out in an epic battle inside my head are
Bioshock 2 and
Heavy Rain. The former because I loved the first one, and would obviously like to play the sequel. It's much of the same reason for the latter, but it's more that I loved
Quantic Dream's last game,
Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy). So it will be very interesting to see how that game turns out, seeing as I've been hyped about it since before I even got a PS3, which was back in '07 I think. The information on Bioshock 2 has been kind of... Not great, as many people that have actually played says it's nothing special. But now that reviews are starting to come out, they're saying the complete opposite, of course it isn't by the same people, but still. It makes it hard for me, the consumer, to decide whether or not to take the plunge. But even so, I'm very interested in Bioshock 2, so unless I see a majority of reviews being negative, I will take the plunge eventually. This is true of both games, I will be getting both of them at some point, the problem is that I can only get one of them
now. Of course, If I wasn't such a sucker for Collector's Editions of games, this would be a much, much easier decision to make. I am a sucker for that stuff though, so it kind of renders the point moot.
Since neither games are out yet, I'm obviously talking about pre-orders, which you have to do if you want to get the Collector's Edition of games. At least if you want to be sure that you're getting a copy. So yeah, Bioshock 2 has more goodies, but Heavy Rain has more appeal. What to do?

Other than that, I've been playing through
Dragon Age: Origins again to unlock my remaining achievements so that I can add yet another game to my 1000/1000 collection. It was going fine and all, thought a few things was odd, like that I couldn't unlock talent specializations and so on. But I figured that you had to do that again for a second playthrough, so I kept playing happily. When I got to the point where I would normally unlock the "
Recruiter" achievement, I got all excited and thought "finally! After 20-30 hours of no achievements at all, here it comes!". But this was not the case, I didn't get my precious points. So I thought that maybe you had to finish the game first, but I still checked it out with my friend, Mr. Google. And both to my surprise and relief, there is in fact a bug with the latest patch that causes all these problems. Re-locking specializations, making people not get their achievements and making it impossible to hit level 20. I don't know if that last problem is just me, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was also due to the patch. So now I've stopped playing while waiting for a patch to fix the patch, because why play when I can't get any achievements? That was the whole point of me replaying it, it's fun too, don't get me wrong, but that was the main reason. Anyways, now I really don't have anything to play, or at least nothing that I'm interested in at the moment.
Bioware said that they're working on it though, and that they've begun testing a patch, so it's all good I guess.
Also, a guy that runs a site I used to write for (ok, I wrote one
review and a
demo impression) and recorded a single podcast with, said that he's thinking about starting up the podcast again. Which means that I would probably be involved, so hopefully people on the interwebs may still hear me and 2 other guys' bad english in audioform. Talking about games and stuff. Nothing is certain, but here's hoping!
Until next time, dear readers. Of whom there are none!
1 comment:
Haha, I love it how you prioritize your money; You write about having just enough to survive and paying bills, then wonder what game you will buy for the money that you might get next ;D Sounds an awful lot like myself. That's why I like it I guess ;D I'm not the only one with a fucked up economy and fucked up ways to prioritize ;D
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