On the good side of things. The single player campaignt was excellent, which might be a bad choice of words because the game certainly isn't without it's problems. While it is funny, great looking, has good voice acting and a superb soundtrack, it does try to be too many thing at once. So the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none" fits perfectly here. As an open-world game it does alright for itself but in this aspect it is way too restricitve and repetetive. It also tries to be a hack n slash game, which it also does well, except for the fact that every time you fight a larger group of enemies, it goes into it's RTS mode. If it would just maybe skip one of these elements, it might have been much better, but as it is, it's an alright game. I for one greatly enjoyed it because of it's heavy, heavy, heavy metal inspirations, and being the metalhead that I am, I might have an easier time overlooking it's problems and just enjoying the environments, dialogue and the ever so awesome soundtrack.
That turned to be some kind of quasi-review for the game, which wasn't intended, but oh well. So, what else is new? Well, to no one's surprise I couldn't stop smoking this time either. But I'm still trying to cut down on it at least, which is better than nothing I guess. Oh and I finally took the plunge and preordered a copy of Dragon Age: Origins - Collector's Edition. So that's a bit more of the money I barely have that I've spent on things that doesn't really matter. But I like me some games, and some sacrifices must be made. Even if that means eating noodles for breakfast and dinner for a few months.
I've recently had my birthday, so I'm now a year older and can call myself a 24 year old person, which is just meh. It's just another year in my book, but it's weird to think that in just 6 years I'll be 30 and am expected to have a house, job, wife, kids and a car! None of which I have right now, but I'll deal with all that when that time comes around I guess. So anyway, my girlfriend gave me a surprise visit the day after I had my birthday, so that was a pretty damned great gift from her. Even if she only stayed for less than a wewk, it's still better than nothing, so thankyou for that, my love.
Now that we're really in to the fall season, things does look beatiful around here. Very warm and vibrant colours everywhere, and that crisp winter air is slowly making itself more and more noticable. And it gets dark much earlier now too, just a month ago it got dark a lot later than what it does now. It's odd how fast the seasons changes things. Anyway, all of this makes me feel very cozy and warm and stuff, it's a great feeling to have. Now if I could just get rid of my psychological problems, things would be all fine and dandy, but no such luck yet.
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