So yeah, I've tried before but I really have to stop smoking before it's too late. I've only been smoking for about a year or so, and not in huge quantities either, but it's not good for you any way you cut it. With all that said, today I said to myself that this is it, I have to stop. So now it's been a couple of hours since my last cigarette and so far so good. As I said I've tried to stop smoking before and those times I've lasted about a week or so before I've caved in and started again. Hopefully it'll stick this time and last forever, or at least until I die.
With that out of the way, I can tell you that the hunt for achievements in
Batman: Arkham Asylum I was talking about in my last post is going... So-so, I've gotten all the achievements related to the predator modes, but I can't seem to get the hang of this freeflow combo thing. I mean it worked fair enough in the story mode, but when you have to reach a certain score to get a medal, it gets a little harder. I haven't even been able to get a single medal in those modes. Then again, I haven't put that much effort into it either, so I guess I just need a little more practice. Other than that I've gotten various achievements here and there, like catching the batarang and so on.
I'm also trying to get into
Guitar Hero 5 and
Rock Band 2, but it's just not what it used to be. At least in Guitar Hero 5's case, or maybe it's just me who has grown tired fo rhythm games? Or perhaps the choice of songs in them, I don't know. But I'm having a hard time getting into them as much as I used to. Rock Band 2 is pretty much more of the same, which is a good thing. As I personally think that they tend to have better songs to play. Speaking of which, I've come to the conclusion that the difference between GH and RB is that while both have good songs, GH has a majority of songs that are great to
listen to, not necessarilly to play. While Rock Band has more songs that aren't so big or that I've never heard of, but the majority of it's songs are great to
play and let's be honest, nice to listen to as well. I think that's why GH falls short when you compare the two, or at least it does for me.

Speaking of guitars, today I've finally been able to properly tune mine, which is great because I haven't touched a guitar for months, due to me moving and having no cables for it mostly. So it's been standing there and looking all sad and lonely, without me being able to do anything about it. But today I got it done so I was able to play again, there was a short but well needed warmup time until I got the feel for it right again. So I played what I used to play and learned som new stuff and then played some more, great fun! I just wish I could get better faster. In case you're wondering, I'm using a Maison LPC-190 with a KORG Toneworks AX1500G and a Fender amp. Nothing but low-end stuff here, but you don't need high-end hardware for my skill level and what I'm playing either. I mean if it does the job, who cares? The one in the picture isn't mine but it's the exact same model and color. I tried taking a picture of mine but my cellphone won't connect with my PC so I gave up on it after trying a few minutes. Oh, and apparantly that model is one of the last hand made models that Maison produced. Which is good to know :).
Anyway, until next time, keep watching the skeeeeeeeeees!
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