As the title states, it has been a while, more than a year even. Another year gone by and lots of new things happening. Allright, maybe not a whole lot of new things, but there are some improvements I think.
So I just got home from staying at my grilfriend's place for almost two months now, and while it feels good to be home, I already miss her. That, and I'm bored. See, the plan was for my dad to pick me up at the station after my 4,5 hour long train ride from Stockholm to Malmö, which he did. It also included me picking up three games I had ordered, so I got home, got the order from home and off we went to pick up my stuff. I walked in feeling good about myself, thinking "finally,
finally I can play some games". But as I approached the counter with the order in my hand, they guy working there abruptly said "Postal services are closed for the day". Great! Foofin' great! After that, my dad had to do some grocery shopping, so I went with him since I had pretty much no food at all at home, seeing as I've been away for almost two months, so that worked out great. Without my new games, though, I really have nothing to do now except sitting at my PC writing this blog, which is about time anyway, so I guess it kind of worked out allright anyway, huh? In any case, I'll go get em tomorrow instead.
The games I have waiting for me are
Batman: Arkham Asylum,
Guitar Hero 5 and a long overdue
Rock Band 2. These are just a few of the titles this Fall / Holliday season I consider must haves. I'll be so damned broke when christmas comes around, but then again it's the same deal pretty much every year. You have the spring hit, the summer hit and then the 20 hits of the last three months of the year. And this year is no different from any other year in recent memory, even if a lot of the games I had interest in have moved on to an early 2010 release. I still look forward to
Brütal Legend,
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2,
Dragon Age: Origins,
Assassin's Creed II and to some extent
DJ Hero. If you put that on top of the big games of early 2010 like
Bioshock 2,
Mass Effect 2 and
Bayonetta... We'll you'll have about half a year of having awesome games but no money. It doesn't even end there, though, the second quarter of 2010 has some big games as well, such as
Final Fantasy XIII for example. I personally won't be getting all of these games, mainly because many of them are games I'm not sure about, so thank god for demos! Right? And with limited money you have to prioritize.
WOW! Yeah you read it, World of Warcraft... I'm back in that godforsaken place of magic and wonder. But I do enjoy it, so what's the harm, eh? I got back in while I was at my gf, lack of games I wanted to play combined with a slow PC that couldn't run much at all made me do it. So I payed for 2 months of WoW and I've played on and off there, so now I'm almost at level 79, yay! For those of you that didn't know (which I'll assume is everyone since I'm the only one who reads this blog) I quit WoW shortly after Wrath of the Lich King was released. So it's kind of nice to get back and enjoy the game now that I'm not insanely tired of it. I'm actually having fun with it! I plan to get back in to raiding, although in a more casual manner than before. I'm trying to find a place where I can raid with good, dedicated people while at the same time have a life outside of the game, which can be pretty hard to do.
During my abscence from this blog, I've also gotten myself a PSP 3000. What a great piece of machinery that is, great for listening to mp3s on a long ass train ride for example. I bought it fairly recently, so I've only had it for about two months, around the same time I got to my girlfriend. Actually exactly at the same time, as I ordered it to arrive where she lives and not where I live. I got three games with it, Final Fantasy, God of War and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters. After that I managed to get myself 4 more games while in Stockholm so I now have a total of seven games for it already. I'm not going to go into details because basically I don't feel like it. But man... Mercury Meltdown is friggin hard! I can't even get passed the fourth or fifth level, I forget which, but it's really early in the game. Luckilly it was only 99:- so it wasn't too bad of a deal.
So yeah, that's a short summary of what I've been up to since the last time, although it mostly covers more recent events, but then again who cares? No one, that's who!