So yeah, I spent about 3 weeks at my girlfriends house with her and her family. It was awesome! She lives in Gävle, which is now the most northern point in Sweden that I've ever been. I felt a bit like Sam in The Fellowship of The Ring when he's just setting out on his journey with Frodo. "If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been". Which isn't quite true for me, since I've been to France, which is much further away than Gävle. But if we're strictly talking within the confines of Sweden, it's very true. So that's awesome! Anyway, those three weeks turned out great. I got along really well with her family and all of their pets, which includes four dogs and... I don't remember how many, but a lot of pet rats :D. At first I didn't think I'd be able to handle it as well as I did, since I have "issues" when it comes to travelling long distances and being away from home. But it worked out fantastically, the trip went perfect, I didn't panic about not being close to home and yeah, I got along really well with everyone. And even though we didn't particularly do anything while I was there, I had a really good time. I guess that goes to show that if you're with someone you love, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you're together. Other than that, it was also nice to be able to see another part of Sweden.
Oh, right! While we were up there in Gävle, I actually saw my first movie in 3D, which was cool and all. But with all the hype that's been on the media about 3D, I honeslt expected more than what it was. I mean, sure, cool effects and all, but I could have been just as happy about seeing the movie in regular old ass 2D. The movie we saw was The Amazing Spider-Man, which wasn't quite as amazing as the title would suggest, but it was alright.
That wasn't the only place where I was with my girlfriend though, as before we took the trip up to Gävle, she spent about three weeks with me at my place, and after Gävle, she came down with me for another two weeks. So I've pretty much spent the entire summer with her, which is just awesome!

Other than all that, I've listened to a lot of vinyl records that my dad gave me, bought some new ones and some old ones to add to my collection. And you know, I really can't go back to mp3's now. I mean sure, I can listen to mp3's if I have to, but if I have the option I'll just buy the album vinyl. Why? Because as I've written in a previous post, the quality is just... Fantastic! It's like night and day in comparison. Even CD's doesn't even come close to the quality to that of a vinyl record. Not only that, but listening to an album on vinyl really does have a certain feel about it. It's like you're kind of forced to really listen to what you're hearing. Well, you're not forced, but I guess what I'm saying is that you can't just skip songs. And that's something you should never do when listening to an album you haven't heard before. You can miss so much of what the band/artists are actually trying to say through their music.
Speaking of which, I've ordered the new Gojira album, which is just... An amazing album. I highly recommend that you all listen to it. It has been a long time since music made me feel the way I do when I listen to it.
I've also spent a lot of time with one of.. Well the only close friend I really have, and that's always awesome. I'm happy that he and his girlfriend, which I also consider my friend are in my life. As there are few (none) people that I'd rather spend time with.
On a more weird and , sadder note as regards to friends. One of my older friends with whom I don't spend much time with anymore, has seemingly begun to dislike having me around. Which is just... Weird, and sad. Because even if I don't spend a lot of time with him anymore, I've always considered him as a close friend, since we've known eachother since first grade. Lately though, it's as he doesn't want anything to do with me, which actually hurts me a lot. I don't know where that came from or what it's about. Hopefully it'll change and we might get a chance to talk about it, but as it is now, it's just... weird. I hope it turns out for the better though, because I really don't want to lose him as a friend.
Right then! Games! To be honest, I really haven't played all that much during the summer. I guess it's a combination of there simply not being anything of interest out during the summer and me spending a lot of time with my girlfriend. Although I did buy and play The Amazing Spider-Man while I was in Gävle, and just as it's move counterpart, it's not as amazing as the title would suggest. It was fun though, and it had a lot in common with the last Spider-Man game I played, Spider-Man 2 for the Xbox. Just swinging around the city is surprisingly fun in both.

I guess that's it for this time. I've had a great summer, and I feel like I've grown as a person during it.
Oh and if you're wondering about the title, It's from an old song which I'm guessing everyone has heard, In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry. But more importantly, I chose that because of an awesome cover that Todd Hansen recently did. Even if it isn't the same song, that song reminded me of the song I'm referencing in my title. It's weird, I know, but there you go. That, and it's true. The weather is fine in the summertime :D.
Til next time, peace!